Vulnerabilities by CVE
CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) is a standardized system for identifying vulnerabilities. This module categorizes vulnerabilities by CVE IDs, allowing teams to evaluate severity using CVSS scores and implement rule-based responses.
What do you see on the screen
Action Icons | Vulnerabilities by CVE |
Resolve Vulnerabilities
Click to resolve the vulnerabilities. Add a comment for resolution.
Resolves vulnerabilities for the selected vendor, indicating affected devices and the associated CVE ID.
Command Execution Job
Click to initiate the command execution for the selected vendor.
To run a Command Execution Job, users must configure a script execution by selecting the IP address, configuration template, agent, and job type. Device account details, including the username, password, and enable password, must also be provided.
Below is the list of fields that can be viewed from this page:
OS Name
Advisory ID
CVSS Score
Published Date
Total Vulnerabilities
Total Devices
Is Resolved
Work Around Available
Last updated