Password Policy
Passwords are mandatory to verify user identity (authentication) and protect information. Therefore, it is crucial to have more robust password policies across the Organization.
Infraon can be configured with multiple Password Policies to suit the organization's internal and external compliance. Different password policies can be configured for various roles.
What you see on the screen
The Password Policy page can create new policies and edit and delete existing ones.
Instructions to 'Add a Password Policy'
Go to Infraon Configuration -> User Management -> Password Policy
Click the 'Add' button.
There are two tabs on the 'Add Password Policy' page.
The Policy Details tab contains options to customize passwords, including Password Length, Upper/Lower Case, Numbers, Symbols, and Frequency to Change Password. The applicability tab lets the user choose the policy's privacy level.
Policy Details | Applicability
Policy Name*
Give a name to the password policy.
Vendor Team, Requesters Only.
Add a brief description of the policy.
Assign to the external vendor team; This is for requesters only.
Change Password Every N Day(s)
Enter the number of days until the password needs to be changed.
Users are reminded to change their passwords every (n) day by Infraon.
Last-Used Password Count
Enter the count of last used passwords that are considered for non-repetition.
If the number '4' is entered, Infraon will not enable users to use the previous four passwords when changing or resetting their passwords.
Minimum Password Length
Enter the minimum number of characters for the password length.
If the minimum password length is set to '8', Infraon will only accept passwords at least eight characters long.
Maximum Password Length
Enter the Maximum number of characters for the password length.
If the maximum password length is set to '20', Infraon will only accept passwords less than twenty characters long.
Minimum Upper Case Characters
Enter the minimum amount of uppercase or capital letter characters required in the password.
If the minimum upper case character length is set to '2', Infraon will only accept passwords with two uppercase characters (neither one nor more than two).
Minimum Lower Case Characters
Enter the minimum amount of lowercase or minor letter characters required in the password.
If the minimum lower case character length is set to '2', Infraon will only accept passwords with two lowercase characters.
Minimum Numerals
Enter the minimum amount of numerals or numeric characters required in the password.
If the minimum numerals are set to '2', Infraon will only accept passwords with two digits (neither one nor more than two).
Minimum Special Characters
Enter the minimum amount of special characters required in the password.
If the minimum unique character is set to '2', Infraon will only accept passwords with two special characters (neither one nor more than two). Special characters include
Continuous N Upper Case Characters
Enter the count of continuous upper case characters allowed in the password sequence.
If the continuous upper case character is set to 1, Infraon will not allow more than one upper case character in the password sequence.
For example, Eims would be accepted, whereas EIMS would not.
Continuous N Lower Case Characters
Enter the count of continuous upper case characters allowed in the password sequence.
If the continuous lower case character is set to 3, Infraon will not allow more than three lower case characters in the password sequence.
For example, Eims would be accepted, whereas eims would not.
Continuous N Numerals
Enter the count of continuous numerals or number characters allowed in the password sequence.
If the continuous numeric character is set to 3, Infraon will not allow more than three numeric characters in the password sequence.
For example, Eims123 would be accepted, whereas Eims1234 would not.
Continuous N Special Characters
Enter the count of special characters allowed in the password sequence.
If the continuous unique character is set to 2, Infraon will not allow more than two special characters in the password sequence.
For example, Eims@123! would be accepted, whereas Eim$@1234 would not.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Click 'Next' to configure the password policy's applicability.
Policy Details | Applicability
Select a role to apply the password policy.
Vendor Team, Requesters.
Roles must be pre-defined to be available for selection.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Once all the parameters are added, click 'Submit' to save the password policy. Password policies can be linked to newer roles.
Administrators and privileged users can edit and delete policies using the respective icons.
Note: Password policies must be de-linked from roles to be deleted.
The default password policy cannot be deleted.
Last updated
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