Business Rule
What is a business rule?
A business rule for an infraon product refers to a specific guideline or constraint that governs the behavior, processes, or operations within the context of that product's infrastructure. These rules are typically defined and enforced to ensure consistency, compliance, and efficient functioning of the infraon product.
Types in business rule
There are two types of business rules:
Load Balancer: The ticket allocation system ensures a balanced workload distribution between users. It automatically routes any additional tickets beyond the initial allocation to the following user until the same number of tickets per user is reached.
For Example: If user one has seven tickets, and user two has five tickets, the upcoming tickets will be automatically added to user two, as user one already has seven tickets greater than user two.
Round Robin: Despite any existing ticket imbalances, prospective tickets raised are sequentially assigned to the first user, disregarding the need for a balanced distribution among users.
For Example, User One has five tickets, and User Two has three tickets; prospective tickets are automatically assigned to User One even though User Two has fewer tickets.
Instructions to add business rules
Go to Infraon Configuration> Infraon Automation> Business rule
Click the ‘Add’ Button
To the 'Add Business Rule’ page. Refer to the table for information.
Description/ Example
Rule name
Add your rule name
Rule Name is an identifier assigned to a specific rule to distinguish it from other rules in the system.
Select the rule type from the dropdown.
Predefined logic determines how tasks or actions are assigned or allocated based on specified criteria and conditions.
Add the rule description
Write the description of the rule in fewer words.
Is Enable
Enable the toggle button or disable
Allows users to activate or deactivate the rule's functionality with a single click.
Select operand
Select the Operand type from the dropdown.
The specific service or component that will be affected or influenced by the execution of the rule's defined actions or tasks.
Select Operator
Select the Operator type from the dropdown.
Select in or in not depend on the requirement of the rule.
Select value
Select the Value from the dropdown.
Select the value depends on your rule created, for example, Email delete.
Assign to
Select the group from the dropdown.
Select the group based on the requirements of the rule.
Select a group from the dropdown ‘assign to’
A group refers to a collection or category of entities, such as users or resources.
Select the Expertise type from the dropdown.
Expertise refers to individuals' or groups' specific knowledge, skills, or qualifications.
Select the Expertise type from the dropdown.
Choose L1, there are multiple users in this level and the rule is assigned depending on the requirement.
Click the ‘Submit’ button.
The auto-assignment process in L2 support, where technicians (U4, U5, U6) are categorized based on their levels. When opting for L1 auto-assignment, the system follows a sequential assignment of technicians (U1, U2, U3, and so on) for customer ticket resolution.
The SAAS team's auto-assignment mechanism to handle hardware issues. When a problem arises in the service, the team provides hardware support. In the event of hardware issues reported by developers, an expert L1 person is assigned based on load balancing or round robin, ensuring efficient resolution of customer tickets.
Last updated
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