Add Problem
Only a technician or users with the required permissions can log a Problem. While adding a problem in the Problem module, a technician records the source of the problem. The source can be one of the following:
Web portal
Mobile app
By a technician on call
To add a problem, the following must be pre-configured
Requester - the user logging the problem
Priority - priority of the problem
Problem Classification, if required.
Assignee - usually the technician assigned to the problem. Use the "Take it" option to self-assign.
Followers - users who will be notified of changes in the problem status. Use the "Follow" button to follow them directly.
Tags - groupings used for the classification of problems.
Instructions to add a Problem
Go to the "Problem" page
Click on the "New Problem" button.
Select the requester's name in the search option if requesters have already been added. If no requesters have been added or to add a new requester, use the "Add a New Requester" button. Follow the "Requester" module for details. You can select or add a requester from the next page too.
To add a problem, follow the steps from the below table:
Add a new requester or search for an existing requester.
Requesters are usually technicians or users with the required permissions who can add a problem.
Reported by
Use the icon to expand this section. Add the reporter's name and email address, if applicable.
Reporters are users raising the problem on behalf of the requester.
Select a technician to assign the problem.
Use the "Take it" option to self-assign it.
Impact Service
Select the impacted service if already known.
This can be left blank. As the root cause analysis progresses, a technician can later select the impacted service.
Problem Classification
Select the classification within the impacted service.
This is used when a specific service has multiple classifications. For example, if the impacted service is Network, the classifications can be connectivity, router issue, and so on. Leave this field blank if no classifications are defined.
Select the priority of the problem using the drop-down menu.
Based on the problem, the priority can be low, medium, high, or critical.
Select a user to add them as followers.
Users who must be notified of the problem or any changes to the problem can be added as followers. Use the 'Follow' option to self-follow the problem.
Select a tag to tag the problem.
Problem tags must be predefined in the 'General Settings -> Tag Management module.
Add a subject line for the problem.
The subject line can be a summary of the problem. For example: Unable to connect to the network.
Known Error
When this is selected, the problem details get saved in the Known Error Database(KEDB).
The details get stored in the Known Error Database(KEDB) which can be published in Knowledge Base articles. The articles will have visibility control.
Problem Source
It specifies the method through which the tickets were raised.
A technician records the source of the problem based on the associated tickets.
*Due By
It is the due date by which a technician aims to resolve the problem.
A technician does a detailed root cause analysis and tries to resolve the problem by this date. If he is not able to resolve the problem, he will at least try to provide a workaround by this date.
Symptom of Fault
Describe the symptoms of the issues in detail.
Add attachments
Use the action icon to add an attachment to the problem.
Attachments can include emails, screenshots, etc.
Internal Note
This is a note shared by technicians internally.
*Priority is derived from the asset. It can also be changed later using the "Quick Edit/Edit" options.
*Due by - Only a manager has the privilege to extend the due date.
Additional Notes:
When the requester's name is added, Infraon lists past interactions. Click on the Problem ID to view the details.
When a problem title is added, Infraon displays related Knowledge Base articles from the Known Error Database(KEDB). If a related resolution/workaround is available, the technician can add it as the problem resolution and close it directly.
Once all details are added, the user must click "Submit as New" - to submit the problem.
Last updated
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