IT Operations

The IT Operations module is a part of Infraon Configuration and is accessible by administrators and other users authorized by administrators.

This module of Infraon consists of four additional modules. They are:

Discovery - As the user specifies, Discover network resources based on configurable parameters such as IP address, protocols, etc. Options to discover include Automatic, Network, Windows Servers, and Linux Servers.

Device Credentials - Configure protocols and credentials for the device(s) to be discovered through Infraon.

Job Progress - To view the list of discovery jobs that are in progress.

Thresholds - View the list of default thresholds and add new thresholds, if necessary.

Advanced Resource Configuration - This will provide options to update configurations of the resources available in the system. 

Blacklist and Whitelist – Define Blacklist and Whitelist information of software/ applications installed. 

Correlation Rules - Identify root causes of system issues by correlating server errors, network events, etc.

Diagnosis Tools – Used to identify, analyse, and troubleshoot problems or issues in various systems, devices, or networks.

Circuit Discovery – Discover the deployed trails and circuits from the network.

LED Display – Configure thresholds for parameters, which are monitored through Infraon.

Let's see each of these in detail.

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