Manage Vulnerabilities
This privilege-based feature allows users to identify, manage, and address vulnerabilities across all network devices. It enables users to access, view, add, edit, delete, execute, and export data as permitted by roles and privileges defined by the administrator.
The module provides detailed insights into vulnerabilities based on device OS, affected nodes, vendor details, CVE, OS version, and more.
What you see on the screen
This page comprehensively overviews all detected vulnerabilities across devices, categorized by vendor. It includes details such as operating system (OS) information, nodes affected, and the total vulnerability count for each category. The categorization by OS and affected nodes helps users prioritize and take targeted actions for effective vulnerability management.
Additionally, if a newer OS version is available with an associated OS image, users can upload it directly by clicking the action icon. This streamlined process ensures that updates and remediation efforts are efficiently managed.
Action Icons | Manage Vulnerabilities |
Search for specific vulnerabilities by Vendor, OS Name, or other identifiers.
Allows users to locate vulnerabilities based on specific criteria quickly.
Apply filters using fields and conditions from the dropdown menu.
Fields include Vendor, OS Name, Is Resolved, and IP Address. Conditions include "in," "not in," "contains," "not contains," "equal to," and "not equal to."
Vulnerabilities by CVE
Navigate to view vulnerabilities categorized by CVE.
Categorizes vulnerabilities by CVE IDs, enabling teams to assess their severity using CVSS scores. Supports rule-based responses for efficient threat mitigation.
Vulnerabilities by Assets
Navigate to view vulnerabilities categorized by assets.
Displays vulnerabilities by asset details, including IP address, hostname, OS name/version, and Vulnerability ID. Users can view categorized summaries for targeted action.
Vulnerabilities Database
Navigate to view the vulnerabilities database.
Centralized repository with external feeds (e.g., NVD), categorizing data by vendor, OS details, mitigation actions, and more for tracking threats and customizing policies.
Export the data in Excel (XLSX) format.
Downloads the Manage Vulnerabilities page data for further analysis or reporting.
OS Upload Job
Execute an OS upload job.
If a new OS version is detected, an action icon and OS image become available for a vendor/series in NCCM. Users can click to initiate the upload job. Clicking the "Nodes Affected" count redirects to a list of impacted devices.
Below is the list of fields that can be viewed from this page:
OS Name
OS Version
Total Vulnerabilities
Open Vulnerabilities
Nodes Affected
Is Resolved
Latest OS Version
Latest OS Version in NCCM
OS Image
Last updated