Job(s) Retry Queue
This submodule displays details of upload jobs that have been re-executed (re-run) from the upload jobs module.
The module ensures that jobs are eventually completed while providing transparency on job statuses, such as who initiated the task, where it was triggered, and its current progress.
What you see on the screen
In this section, users can only view the listed fields; no actions can be performed.
Description/ Example
Triggered By
Displays the name of the user who initiated the upload job.
Triggered From
Shows the device's IP address from which the upload job was triggered.
Job Type
Specifies the type of upload job (e.g., Upload Job Task Retry).
Job Name
Shows the name of the upload job.
Execution Identifier
Displays a unique code that identifies the execution of the job.
Re-Run All Devices
The field is available for review but without actionable items.
Indicates whether the job is "Waiting for Execution" or "In Progress."
Creation Time
Displays the date and time when the job was created.
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