Upload Jobs

Upload jobs involve changing or updating configuration files or firmware from the Infraon NCCM server to network devices. They're commonly used for deploying new devices, updating existing ones, and upgrading device firmware. For instance, users can simultaneously upload entire configuration files or specific snippets to individual or multiple devices.

While backup involves taking a copy of the device configuration and retaining it in the NCCM, upload refers to the opposite. "Upload" transfers the configuration from the NCCM to the device. Entire configuration files or select lines/snippets within a file can be uploaded using the Network Configuration Manager.

This is a privilege-based feature: The user can access, view, add, edit, delete, execute, and export only if the administrator has given them privileges. This will be defined under roles and privileges.

Upload jobs are controlled ways of changing the Device Configuration and Device OS Image within a defined period.

Last updated