Correlation Rule

Topology Correlation 

Topology-based correlation uses topology data to correlate defined related events. It is a solution that uses topology-based techniques to provide automated root cause analysis, service impact analysis, and customer impact analysis. It helps network operators identify the root causes of issues and quickly determine the services and customers affected by network events. 

Event Based Correlation Rule 

Event correlation refers to the processes involved in sensing and analyzing relationships between events. By correlating the parent and child events occurring in the network, event correlation automatically reduces the noise and allows IT to focus on those issues that really matter to the business service and IT objectives. 

Instructions to add a new correlation rule 

  • Go to Infraon configuration -> IT Operations -> Rules and click on the ‘New Rule’ button at the top right corner and select Correlation Rule. 

  • Add the respective Correlation Rule Details, select the criteria and add the action details. 

What you see on the screen 





Add a name for the credential 

Applicable for all protocols. A name is usually used as an identifier. 


Add a brief description of the profile 

Applicable for all protocols 


Select the status of the configuration. 

The status of the configuration can be Active or In-Active.  

Parent Event 

Select from the drop-down box. 

The type of complication has occurred in the event. 

Child Event 

Select from the drop-down box. 

The type of complication has occurred in the event. 

Match Criteria 

Select from the drop-down box. 

Match whether it's for one or more than one event. 

Correlation Window 

Select the time in minute(s) 

The required for the correlation window. 

Group by 



Filter a range of data based on the criteria you define. 


Select severity using the dropdown.  

Available options are critical, major, and minor. 

Alarm/ Event Message 

Add a message for the configuration.  

This message will be included in the trap configuration alarm/notification. 

Clear Message 

Add a message for the configuration. 

This message will be included in the configuration alarm/notification.  

Once you've filled in all the information, click the "Submit" button to save your credentials.

Last updated