CLI Jobs
CLI Jobs/sessions in NCCM create direct CLI sessions (SSH or TELNET) between the Device and the User through the NCCM application. Using a CLI Job, the user can write direct commands on devices similar to the Putty application.
The user will request a CLI connection by inputting the Device IP Address, Device account username (in case of SSH), and the reason for the connection. Based on the user’s role (administrator privileged, CLI whitelisted, or normal user), the CLI job will either open a direct connection to the device or put the CLI request into the Request Queue for Change Approval process.
The CLI Job will audit all device user commands, including device response. NCCM does not provide command restrictions in case of Policy violations. The NCCM Policy engine remediates policy violation commands periodically.
This is a privilege-based feature:
The user can access, view, add, edit, delete, execute, and export only if the administrator has given them privileges. These will be defined under roles and privileges.
The user will be white-listed for CLI operations (no need for Approval) only if the “CLI Job Pre-Approved” permission is enabled in the Account Roles and Privileges.
From the “Jobs” menu, click ‘CLI Jobs/Sessions’
All CLI Jobs, including history connection and live session, are listed with their active status.
What you see on the screen
Clicking the session details icon will display live audits.
Note: CLI Jobs requested by Non-Whitelisted users will be submitted for approval and executed only when approved. However, Whitelisted users' CLI Jobs will be executed without approval.
Using this audit, the administrator can identify the changes, the user responsible for them, and the time of the change.
CLI Jobs not approved within the expiry time will get to the Expired State, and the expiration duration can be configured using System Parameters.
Action Icons – CLI Jobs/Sessions
Action/ Description
Search for the required CLI job.
A filter can be added based on the field (Job Name, Client IP, Device IP Address, Device Account, and Reason), and the condition can be selected from the drop-down box below.
Terminate Session
Terminating CLI abruptly ends an unresponsive session, stopping all active processes. Re-establishing the connection may be required.
Close CLI
Close CLI gently ends a CLI session, ensuring all tasks are finished before closing, preventing data loss.
Click to navigate to the Assets page
Export as ELXS
Click to download the “CLI Jobs” in an ELXS file
Go to Assets
Click to navigate back to the asset page.
Session Details
Click to view the session details
View Session Terminal
Click to view the session terminal
CLI Jobs/Sessions Search
Select the time from the calendar options.
Input the Requester Name in the textbox.
Input Client IP Address in textbox.
Input Device IP Address in textbox.
Select Device Group using the dropdown menu.
Input Device Account in the textbox
Select ‘Protocol Type’ using the dropdown menu.
Select Status using the dropdown menu.
Select ‘Approval Type’ using the dropdown menu.
Input ‘Approver Name’ in the textbox.
Input the Reason in the textbox.
Input the command in the textbox.
Click “Search” to perform the search.
Terminate Session
A checkbox appears on the job row when a CLI job is in progress. The user can select the CLI job and terminate the session immediately.
Select Job and click “Terminate CLI Session” to terminate the session.
CLI Job/Session Export
Navigate to the top panel at the right corner of the page; click the “CLI Jobs” option to download an ELXS file.
Last updated
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